In an earlier post, "Sampson County, North Carolina, Deed Index, Grantors - GODWIN," I described the Sampson County, North Carolina Deed Index for grantors microfilm that I reviewed at the North Carolina State Archives in Raleigh. I included scans of the xeroxed pages pertaining to the Godwin family. Below is a transcription of the two pages I copied from the index.
I have copies of some of the abstracts pertaining to these deeds, as well as copies of some of the original deeds. (I have copies of the original deeds in the entries marked with an "*" below)
**Updated 4/27/2011** - Sampson County Register of Deeds now has all of its deeds digitized and available online to view and save. Click here to access the site. Refer to my blog post "Sampson County North Carolina Deeds are now Online" for details on how to use the site.
James Godwin to Timothy Williams, deed, book 4, p. 282
Jonas Godwin to Joseph Godwin, book 5, p. 40
Wm Godwin to Geo Smith, book 5, p. 184
Joseph Godwin to Benjamin Daughtry, bk 5, p. 300
Wm Godwin to Arthur Herring, bk 5, p. 363
Wm Godwin to Arthur Herring, bk 5, p. 412
Wm Godwin to Jno Croom, bk 6, p. 185
Richard Godwin to James Hendley/Handley, book 7, p. 121; 1779
Nathan Godwin to James Hendley, book 7, p. 122 1779
Jonathan Godwin to Abagail Lee, book 8, p. 168; 1787 *
Joseph Godwin to Benjamin Daughtry, Book 9, p. 4
Richard Godwin to Ozias Beaman, book 9, p. 93 1791
Richard Godwin to Ozias Beaman, book 9, p. 95, 1791*
Richard Godwin to James Beaman, book 9, p. 97; 1791
William Godwin of Sampson co. to Nathan Godwin of sampson co, book 9. p. 172
Richard Godwin to Ozias Beaman, book 9, p. 400; 1793*
Jacob Godwin, Jr to James Anderson, bk 10, p. 189
Nathan Godwin to Samuel Strickland, book 10, p. 196
William Godwin to Stephen King, bk 10, p. 224
Nathan Godwin Jr, Dred Godwin, and Rachel Godwin to John Dormond, book 10, p. 243
Solomon Godwin to William Felows, bk 10, p. 358
Saml Godwin to Stephen King, bk 10, p. 492
Jacob Godwin to Stephen King, bk 10, p. 492
William Godwin to Stephen King bk 10, p 492
Aaron Godwin to Nathan Godwin, book 11, p. 64 (1798-1804)
Richard Godwin to Ephraim Page, book 11, p. 75; 1798 *
Saml Godwin to Wm Hobbs, bk 11, p. 152
Nathan Godwin Jr to Elizabeth Bagley, book 11, p. 326 1801
Rachael Godwin to Oziaus Beaman, book 11, p. 333 23 Aug 1797
Nathan Godwin to Lewis Adams, book 12, p. 43 (1798-1804)
Aaron Godwin to Kitchen Adams, bk 12, p. 197
Nathan Godwin to John Godwin, book 12, p. 313 (1798-1804)
Nathan Godwin to Jonathan Godwin, book 12, p. 314 (1798-1804)
William Godwin to Jonathan Godwin, book 12, p. 314 & 318 (1798-1804)
Wm Godwin to Jonathan Godwin, bk 12, p. 318
Saml Godwin to Jno Holland, bk 13, pp. 117
Nathan Godwin to Joel Godwin, book 13, p. 139
Wm Godwin to Joab Blackman, bk 13, p. 160
Nathan Godwin to Micajah Williford, book 13, p. 251
Silas Godwin to Henry Godwin, bk 14, p. 289
Elizabeth Godwin to Henry Godwin, bk 14, p. 289
Thos Godwin to Jno Godwin,bk 14, p. 363
Nathan Godwin to David Godwin, book 14, p. 431
Wm Godwin to Micajah Williford, bk 14, p. 461
Wm Godwin to Henry Godwin, bk 14, p. 476
Aaron Godwin to David Lee Jr bk 15, p. 8
Wm Godwin to Joseph Dawson, k 15, p. 95
Allen Godwin to Surrel Mobley, bk 15, p. 97
Jas Godwin to Surrel Mobley, bk 15, p. 99
Wm Godwin to Jno R Moore, lease? Bk 15, p.181
Grandberry Godwin to Thos Williford, bk 15, p. 265
Wm Godwin Sr to Wm Godwin Jr., bk 15, p. 312
Wm Godwin Sr to Jno Godwin, bk 15, p. 313
Henry Godwin to Surrel Mobley, bk 16, p. 403
Jno Godwin to Siho Barefoot, bk 16, p. 429
Willie Godwin to Dan'l Tew, bk 18, p. 137
Aaron Godwin to Nathan Tark, bk 18, p. 143
Nathan Godwin to Handy Godwin, bk 18, p. 273
Nathan Godwin to Royal Godwin, book 18, p. 274
Nathan Godwin to Dempsey Layton, bk 18, p. 351
Richard Godwin to Hardy Draughon, bk 18, p. 365
Solomon Godwin to Sam'l Peters, bk 19, p. 238
Wm Godwin to Henry Godwin, bk 19, p. 368
Joseph Godwin to Jas Garland, bk 20, p. 138
Richd Godwin to Jas Handley, bk 20, p. 229
Nathan Godwin to James Handley, book 20, p. 229
Nathan Godwin to Isaac McCamerbone, book 20, p. 255
Nathan Godwin to William Royal, book 21, p. 17
Nathan Godwin to Grandbury Godwin, book 21, p. 18
Nathan Godwin heirs to Robert Godwin, book 21, p. 285
Richd Godwin to Hardy Draughon, bk 21, p. 227
Jonathan Godwin to Hardy Draughon, bk 21, p. 229
Solomon Godwin to Wm New, bk 21, p. 253
Solomon Godwin to Joel Herring, bk 21, p. 309
Sarah Godwin to Joel Herring, bk 21, p. 309
Royal Godwn to Jno Godwin, bk 21, p. 343
Edmond Godwin to Wm Williford, bk 21, p. 523
Robert Godwin to Henry Godwin, k 21, p. 570
Robert Godwin to Cullen Register, bk 22, p. 124
Nathan Godwin heirs to David Godwin, bk 22, p. 386
David Godwin to Saml Phillips, bk 22, p. 398
Henry Godwin to Cyril Mobley, bk 23, p. 485
Jerusha Godwin to Jas C Draughon, bk 24, p. 430
Mary Godwin to Handy Godwin, bk 25, p. 69
Royal Godwin to Handy Godwin, bk 25, p. 69
Edmond Godwin to Jno Royal, bk 25, p. 408
Handy Godwin to Wm Godwin, bk 25, p. 451
Jno Godwin to Martin Jermigan, bk 26, p. 137
Royal Godwin to John Holly, bk 26, p. 150
Jonathan Godwin to Lewis Tew Sr., bk 26, p. 193
Wm Godwin to Lewis Tew Jr., bk 28, p. 81
Ransom Godwin to Jno Godwin, Atty, book 29, p. 61
Sally Godwin to Willie Keen, deed, book 29, p. 267
Edmond Godwin to Hezekiah Godwin, book 29, p. 347
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Richard GODWIN deed to Ozius Beaman, Sampson Co., NC, 1791
Transcription of the following deed copied from the Sampson County, NC Deed Records, 1791-1798, Volumes 9 & 10, (microfilm) -- Book 9, p. 95-96, 31 Dec 1791 – located at the North Carolina State Archives, 109 E. Jones St., Raleigh, NC. Transcribed by Ginger Smith, 10 April 2009.
Note 4/10/09 GS: The first land grant patented to Richard Godwin mentioned below was probably the 100 acres granted to Richard Godwin on 10 Nov 1784, grant no. 801, entry no. 1342, entered 26 Dec 1782 for Duplin County; This record can be found in the Duplin County Land Warrant book no. 56, p. 279 or in Land Warrant file no. 2600 at the NC State Archives.
Richard Godwin to Ozius Beaman.
This indenture made this 31st day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety one in the 15th year of our independence Between Richard Godwin of North Carolina and County of Sampson of the one part & Ozius Beaman of the County of Wayne and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy five silver dollars to me in hand paid by the said Ozius Beaman the Receipt whereof I do herby acknowledge that I am therewith herewith fully satisfied Contented & paid Have bargained sold and by these presents do fully freely and absolutely give grant Bargain sell alien? convey and confirm assigned forever one certain tract or parcel of land situate in Sampson County formerly Duplin County and state aforesaid it being part of a tract of land granted to Richard Godwin by pattent bearing date the 10th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, 1784 it being by estimation one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less and bounded at Fallawith lying on both sides of Starling swamp. Beginning at a pine on the west side of the said Swamp below The mouth of Jumping Run and Runs south crossing Starlings 180 poles to a pine By the head of a Branch thence West 180 poles to a white oak by a pond Thnce North to a stake by the Run of Starling swamp thence up said Swamp To a pine near the Cowford thence a North Course to the old line and thence to the beginning also one certain tract or parcel of land lying in the county aforesaid and on the north side of Starling swamp it being part of a tract of land Granted to John Starling as by patant doth appear bearing date the 11th Day of July Annadomino 1789 containing forty Acres of land more or less of the said Pattent beginning at Richard Godwin upper corner tree and runs North to Thomas Bullard’s corner to a stake thence West along a line of marked trees to a pine thence South along a line of Marked trees to Richard Godwin’s line thence East along the said line to the Beginning to have and to hold the said bargained lands and premises with All and singular the Improvements profits privileges conveniences advantaged And benefits and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Ozieus Beaman his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever to his and his only Proper use and behalf and I the said Richard Godwin for myself his heirs Executors and administrators doth command and agree to and such the said Ozius Beaman his heirs and assigns Do warrant and defend the said land and premises and every part and Parcel thereof free and clear from all encumberances of What sa___ mature or kinds Sa___ on as ample manner to all extents and purchased as of the most learned? In the law can devise hereby covenanting to warrant and forever defend The said lands and premises against the lawful claim or claims of any person Or person whatsoever In witness whereof I the said Richard Godwin have hereunto set my hand and seal affixed the day And the date and year first above written as mentioned as above said Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Sherwood Holly, James Godwin, Lewis Jackson
(signed) Richard Godwin (seal)
Note 4/10/09 GS: The first land grant patented to Richard Godwin mentioned below was probably the 100 acres granted to Richard Godwin on 10 Nov 1784, grant no. 801, entry no. 1342, entered 26 Dec 1782 for Duplin County; This record can be found in the Duplin County Land Warrant book no. 56, p. 279 or in Land Warrant file no. 2600 at the NC State Archives.
Richard Godwin to Ozius Beaman.
This indenture made this 31st day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety one in the 15th year of our independence Between Richard Godwin of North Carolina and County of Sampson of the one part & Ozius Beaman of the County of Wayne and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy five silver dollars to me in hand paid by the said Ozius Beaman the Receipt whereof I do herby acknowledge that I am therewith herewith fully satisfied Contented & paid Have bargained sold and by these presents do fully freely and absolutely give grant Bargain sell alien? convey and confirm assigned forever one certain tract or parcel of land situate in Sampson County formerly Duplin County and state aforesaid it being part of a tract of land granted to Richard Godwin by pattent bearing date the 10th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, 1784 it being by estimation one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less and bounded at Fallawith lying on both sides of Starling swamp. Beginning at a pine on the west side of the said Swamp below The mouth of Jumping Run and Runs south crossing Starlings 180 poles to a pine By the head of a Branch thence West 180 poles to a white oak by a pond Thnce North to a stake by the Run of Starling swamp thence up said Swamp To a pine near the Cowford thence a North Course to the old line and thence to the beginning also one certain tract or parcel of land lying in the county aforesaid and on the north side of Starling swamp it being part of a tract of land Granted to John Starling as by patant doth appear bearing date the 11th Day of July Annadomino 1789 containing forty Acres of land more or less of the said Pattent beginning at Richard Godwin upper corner tree and runs North to Thomas Bullard’s corner to a stake thence West along a line of marked trees to a pine thence South along a line of Marked trees to Richard Godwin’s line thence East along the said line to the Beginning to have and to hold the said bargained lands and premises with All and singular the Improvements profits privileges conveniences advantaged And benefits and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Ozieus Beaman his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever to his and his only Proper use and behalf and I the said Richard Godwin for myself his heirs Executors and administrators doth command and agree to and such the said Ozius Beaman his heirs and assigns Do warrant and defend the said land and premises and every part and Parcel thereof free and clear from all encumberances of What sa___ mature or kinds Sa___ on as ample manner to all extents and purchased as of the most learned? In the law can devise hereby covenanting to warrant and forever defend The said lands and premises against the lawful claim or claims of any person Or person whatsoever In witness whereof I the said Richard Godwin have hereunto set my hand and seal affixed the day And the date and year first above written as mentioned as above said Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Sherwood Holly, James Godwin, Lewis Jackson
(signed) Richard Godwin (seal)

The deed between Richard Godwin and Ozius Beaman, 1791
Related Posts:
Index to Sampson County Deeds - Godwins
North Carolina,
Sampson Co NC
Richard GODWIN deed to Ozius Beaman, Sampson Co., NC, 1793
Transcription of the following deed copied from the Sampson County, NC Deed Records, 1791-1798, Volumes 9 & 10, (microfilm) -- Book 9, p. 400 -- by Ginger Smith, 10 April 2009.
Richard Godwin to Ozius Beaman. This indenture made this 7th day of November one thousand seven hundred And Ninety three and for the 17th year of our independence Between Richard Godwin of North Carolina and County of Cumberland of the one part & Ozius Beaman of Sampson County and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Pounds to me in hand paid by the said Ozius Beaman the Receipt hereof I do herby acknowledge and myself heremuch? fully satisfied Contented & paid Have bargained and sold and by these presents do fully freely and absolutely give grant Bargain sell alien? convey and confirm assigned and let? over unto him the said Ozius Beaman his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcell of land situate in Sampson County and state aforesaid it being partof a tract of land granted to Richard Godwin by pattent bearing date the 4th day of November 1782 being bounded at Fallars? beginning at a pine and agreed corner in Beaman's line thence a direct line to the swamp at the Camford/Cowford thence down the Various courses of said swamp to a stake in said swamp thence North along a line to the corner thence & to the beginning be the same forty acres more or less. To have and to hold the said bargained land and premises with all and singular the improvements proffits proverbally? conveyances? advantaged benefits and all the appert______ hereunto belonging unto him the said Ozius Beaman his heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever to his and their? only proper use and behold and I the said Richard Godwin doth for myself my heirs Executors and administrators covenant grant and agree to and with the said Ozius Beaman his heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the said land and premises against the lawful claimor claims of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I the said Richard Godwin have hereunto set my hand and applied my seal the day and date above written
Note: I could not find the land entry/grant of Richard Godwin for 40 acres in Sampson County, NC that was referenced in this deed - probably because it was filed under Duplin County, the parent county of Sampson?
Richard Godwin to Ozius Beaman. This indenture made this 7th day of November one thousand seven hundred And Ninety three and for the 17th year of our independence Between Richard Godwin of North Carolina and County of Cumberland of the one part & Ozius Beaman of Sampson County and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Pounds to me in hand paid by the said Ozius Beaman the Receipt hereof I do herby acknowledge and myself heremuch? fully satisfied Contented & paid Have bargained and sold and by these presents do fully freely and absolutely give grant Bargain sell alien? convey and confirm assigned and let? over unto him the said Ozius Beaman his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcell of land situate in Sampson County and state aforesaid it being partof a tract of land granted to Richard Godwin by pattent bearing date the 4th day of November 1782 being bounded at Fallars? beginning at a pine and agreed corner in Beaman's line thence a direct line to the swamp at the Camford/Cowford thence down the Various courses of said swamp to a stake in said swamp thence North along a line to the corner thence & to the beginning be the same forty acres more or less. To have and to hold the said bargained land and premises with all and singular the improvements proffits proverbally? conveyances? advantaged benefits and all the appert______ hereunto belonging unto him the said Ozius Beaman his heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever to his and their? only proper use and behold and I the said Richard Godwin doth for myself my heirs Executors and administrators covenant grant and agree to and with the said Ozius Beaman his heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the said land and premises against the lawful claimor claims of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I the said Richard Godwin have hereunto set my hand and applied my seal the day and date above written
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of
James Beaman
Jesse (his mark) Strickland
(signed) Richard Godwin
Related Posts:
North Carolina,
Sampson Co NC
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sampson County, North Carolina, Deed Index, Grantors - GODWIN
Last year I reviewed some deed indexes from the North Carolina State Archives. Most deed indexes are recorded on microfilm at the archives. Microfilm call no. 087.48352 contained the collection, "Sampson County, North Carolina Index to Real Estate Conveyances - Grantors and Grantees, 1754-1940, Volumes E, F, G." I photocopied the entries under the Godwin surname from deed books 4 to 29. I then scanned the two photocopied pages and included below:
This index has the grantor and grantee names, book number and page numbers listed.
Unfortunately this index does not have dates listed.
I transcribed this index in a later post "Sampson Co., NC Deed Index - Godwins" and entered the information into my North Carolina Godwin database.
Most of these deeds were abstracted by Max Peterson in the following books:
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 1-3: 1750-1774
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 4-6: 1762-1779
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 7-9: 1780-1794
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 10-12: 1794-1804
The original deeds can be found on the following microfilms:
Sampson County Record of Deeds, 1774-1792, Volumes 5-8, Call No. 087.40002
Sampson County Record of Deeds, 1791-1798, Volumes 9-10, Call No. 087.40003
Sampson County Record of Deeds, 1798-1804, Volumes 11-12, Call No. 087.40004
**Updated 4/27/2011** - Sampson County Register of Deeds now has all of its deeds digitized and available online to view and save. Click here to access the site. Refer to my blog post "Sampson County North Carolina Deeds are now Online" for details on how to use the site.
This index has the grantor and grantee names, book number and page numbers listed.
Unfortunately this index does not have dates listed.
I transcribed this index in a later post "Sampson Co., NC Deed Index - Godwins" and entered the information into my North Carolina Godwin database.
Most of these deeds were abstracted by Max Peterson in the following books:
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 1-3: 1750-1774
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 4-6: 1762-1779
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 7-9: 1780-1794
Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 10-12: 1794-1804
The original deeds can be found on the following microfilms:
Sampson County Record of Deeds, 1774-1792, Volumes 5-8, Call No. 087.40002
Sampson County Record of Deeds, 1791-1798, Volumes 9-10, Call No. 087.40003
Sampson County Record of Deeds, 1798-1804, Volumes 11-12, Call No. 087.40004
**Updated 4/27/2011** - Sampson County Register of Deeds now has all of its deeds digitized and available online to view and save. Click here to access the site. Refer to my blog post "Sampson County North Carolina Deeds are now Online" for details on how to use the site.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Possibly Related? - Anthony Smith of Johnson County, Arkansas
In a previous post I mentioned Mrs. R. W. Mickel's book Johnson County, Arkansas Probate court records: wills, estate settlements, deeds, 1835 tax list - 1840 census; over 10,000 names. I reviewed the index and contents of the book, but I did not find any entries for my ancestor, David Smith.
I did, however, find a couple of other families who could possibly be related to my David Smith family.
Anthony Smith was born about 1780 in North Carolina according to census reports. He married Winnefred "Winney" Unknown who was born about 1790 also in North Carolina. They had at least 3 children: George Washington Smith, Daniel Smith, and Joseph Smith born between 1816-1820 in Tennessee. Anthony and Winney were married in either Tennessee or North Carolina. If they were married in Tennessee, then both of their families probably migrated from North Carolina to Tennessee at about the same time together.
Anthony and Winnifred Smith were enumerated in Clarksville, Johnson County, Arkansas in 1850. Anthony Smith was 70 years old - born about 1780 in North Carolina - and was a grocery keeper; Winnefred Smith was 60 years old - born about 1790 in North Carolina. They did not have any children living in the house with them.
In 1854, Anthony Smith's will was presented to the Johnson County, Arkansas court. The will listed his wife, Winnafred Smith, and 3 sons - Washington, Joseph, and Daniel Smith.
2nd generation....
George Washington Smith was born about 1816 in Tennessee, the son of Anthony and Winnafred Smith. He married Ester Lee, the daughter of David Lee. Ester's sister Harriett Lee married Washington's brother Daniel Smith. George Washington Smith died between 1862 and 1870. George and Ester had the following children living with them during the census report years: David Smith (1842), Millie (Delyan?) Smith (1845), Mary Smith (1848), Winney Caroline Smith (1850) & Nancy C Smith (1862).
Daniel Smith was born about 1818 in Tennessee, the son of Anthony and Winnafred Smith. He married Anquila Unknown who was born about 1824 according to the 1850 Johnson County, Arkansas census report. Daniel's wife Anquila died between 1853 and 1860. I am not sure exactly how many children they had together. According to the 1850 Johnson County, Arkansas census report, they had Elizabeth (1844), William A (1846), and John W (1850) Smith living with them. William, John, and Joseph (1853) were enumerated with Daniel on the 1860 Johnson County, Arkansas census report. Daniel Smith left a will that was presented to the Johnson County court in 1864. His "heirs" were Joseph A. and Walter Smith, and Dicey Corley, now Hamelton. Joseph was the youngest son. Walter was probably the "John W. Smith" mentioned in the 1850 and 1860 census reports above. Dicey Smith was probably the oldest daughter Elizabeth Smith. Dicey Smith married first to Leroy Cauley in 1859. She then remarried to a Hamilton prior to her father's will in 1864. Daniel's oldest son William was not mentioned in his will, therefore he either passed away prior to 1864 (could have perished in the Civil War) or he removed to another state.
Joseph Smith was born about 1820 in Tennessee. He married Harriett Lee, the daughter of David Lee. Her sister Ester Lee married Joseph's brother Daniel Smith. Harriett Lee Smith was born about 1825 in North Carolina. They had at least 9 children: Elizabeth Smith (1840), Winney Caroline Smith (1842), Richard Smith (1848), Martha Smith (1850), Mary Smith (1852), William Smith (1854), Virginia Smith (1856), Fanny Smith (1858), and Thomas Smith (1862). Joseph Smith died between 1862 and 1870. His oldest daughter Elizabeth Smith was born about 1840 in Tennessee. This information allows us to estimate a timeline that includes Joseph Smith and his family moving from Tennessee to Arkansas between 1840 and 1843 when 2nd daughter Caroline was born in Arkansas.
I need to do more research on this family in order to build a more accurate timeline which would include the family's migration through North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. I did find an Anthony G Smith on the 1820 Rutherford County Tennessee Census report along with an older Joseph Smith. It is possible that Anthony was the son of this Joseph Smith due to the proliferation of the name "Joseph" down the lines of descendants. A search for Joseph Smith's will, possibly in Rutherford County, Tennessee, would verify or disprove this hypothesis.
The only connection I have been able to find between Anthony Smith and my David Smith line is the proximity of the two families in Johnson County, Arkansas in 1850. Anthony Smith's family moved to Johnson County, Arkansas by way of Tennessee shortly after 1840. Anthony's children had been born in Tennessee between 1816-1820 prior to their removal to Arkansas. David Smith's family, however, was in Jackson County, Alabama about 1838. His daughter Sarah Smith Grider had been born about 1825 in Alabama as well. I could not find David Smith's family in either Arkansas or Alabama on the 1840 census report, so I am not sure exactly when his family moved from Alabama to Arkansas - it had to be sometime between 1838 and 1850. There was a David Smith on the 1840 Jackson County, Alabama census report, however he was born between 1810 and 1820 and had only two daughters living in the household at the time.
According to the 1850 Johnson County Arkansas census report, David Smith was born about 1789 in Tennessee. This is the only documentation I have that says anything about David Smith. Anthony and his wife Winnefred were born in North Carolina about 1780-1890. It is possible that the birth year on the 1850 census report was incorrect and David was actually younger - he might have been the David Smith on the 1840 Jackson County, Alabama census report - which would put him as a possible son born to Anthony Smith between 1810-1820 in Tennessee. I don't believe this was a strong possibility, however, because neither David or his family was mentioned in Anthony's will of 1854. David Smith purchased a land grant in 1855, so he was still living at the time of Anthony's will.
Another interesting tidbit is that there is yet another correlation between the Smith and LEE families. In an earlier post, I wrote about a Lee descendant who's DNA matched 100 % to my grandfather's Smith DNA. The match was so close it indicated that these Smith and Lee men had a 50% chance of sharing a common ancestor in the last **2** generations!
I think that we need to look closely at our two families and try to find a paper trail that might indicate the Lee - Smith relation. So far there are two Lee-Smith family connection possibilities: (1) Assuming we find some connection between this Anthony Smith and my David Smith families, there is the connection between Anthony's Smith's two sons, Joseph and George Washington who married two of David Lee's daughters, Ester and Harriett Lee. (2) According to David Smith's daughter, Sarah Ann Smith Grider's Cherokee Citizenship application file, her grandmother was Jinnie Gallymore, nee Lee. Gallymore was the name of David's wife, Sarah.
Please feel free to comment on this post!
I did, however, find a couple of other families who could possibly be related to my David Smith family.
Anthony Smith was born about 1780 in North Carolina according to census reports. He married Winnefred "Winney" Unknown who was born about 1790 also in North Carolina. They had at least 3 children: George Washington Smith, Daniel Smith, and Joseph Smith born between 1816-1820 in Tennessee. Anthony and Winney were married in either Tennessee or North Carolina. If they were married in Tennessee, then both of their families probably migrated from North Carolina to Tennessee at about the same time together.
Anthony and Winnifred Smith were enumerated in Clarksville, Johnson County, Arkansas in 1850. Anthony Smith was 70 years old - born about 1780 in North Carolina - and was a grocery keeper; Winnefred Smith was 60 years old - born about 1790 in North Carolina. They did not have any children living in the house with them.
In 1854, Anthony Smith's will was presented to the Johnson County, Arkansas court. The will listed his wife, Winnafred Smith, and 3 sons - Washington, Joseph, and Daniel Smith.
2nd generation....
George Washington Smith was born about 1816 in Tennessee, the son of Anthony and Winnafred Smith. He married Ester Lee, the daughter of David Lee. Ester's sister Harriett Lee married Washington's brother Daniel Smith. George Washington Smith died between 1862 and 1870. George and Ester had the following children living with them during the census report years: David Smith (1842), Millie (Delyan?) Smith (1845), Mary Smith (1848), Winney Caroline Smith (1850) & Nancy C Smith (1862).
Daniel Smith was born about 1818 in Tennessee, the son of Anthony and Winnafred Smith. He married Anquila Unknown who was born about 1824 according to the 1850 Johnson County, Arkansas census report. Daniel's wife Anquila died between 1853 and 1860. I am not sure exactly how many children they had together. According to the 1850 Johnson County, Arkansas census report, they had Elizabeth (1844), William A (1846), and John W (1850) Smith living with them. William, John, and Joseph (1853) were enumerated with Daniel on the 1860 Johnson County, Arkansas census report. Daniel Smith left a will that was presented to the Johnson County court in 1864. His "heirs" were Joseph A. and Walter Smith, and Dicey Corley, now Hamelton. Joseph was the youngest son. Walter was probably the "John W. Smith" mentioned in the 1850 and 1860 census reports above. Dicey Smith was probably the oldest daughter Elizabeth Smith. Dicey Smith married first to Leroy Cauley in 1859. She then remarried to a Hamilton prior to her father's will in 1864. Daniel's oldest son William was not mentioned in his will, therefore he either passed away prior to 1864 (could have perished in the Civil War) or he removed to another state.
Joseph Smith was born about 1820 in Tennessee. He married Harriett Lee, the daughter of David Lee. Her sister Ester Lee married Joseph's brother Daniel Smith. Harriett Lee Smith was born about 1825 in North Carolina. They had at least 9 children: Elizabeth Smith (1840), Winney Caroline Smith (1842), Richard Smith (1848), Martha Smith (1850), Mary Smith (1852), William Smith (1854), Virginia Smith (1856), Fanny Smith (1858), and Thomas Smith (1862). Joseph Smith died between 1862 and 1870. His oldest daughter Elizabeth Smith was born about 1840 in Tennessee. This information allows us to estimate a timeline that includes Joseph Smith and his family moving from Tennessee to Arkansas between 1840 and 1843 when 2nd daughter Caroline was born in Arkansas.
I need to do more research on this family in order to build a more accurate timeline which would include the family's migration through North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. I did find an Anthony G Smith on the 1820 Rutherford County Tennessee Census report along with an older Joseph Smith. It is possible that Anthony was the son of this Joseph Smith due to the proliferation of the name "Joseph" down the lines of descendants. A search for Joseph Smith's will, possibly in Rutherford County, Tennessee, would verify or disprove this hypothesis.
The only connection I have been able to find between Anthony Smith and my David Smith line is the proximity of the two families in Johnson County, Arkansas in 1850. Anthony Smith's family moved to Johnson County, Arkansas by way of Tennessee shortly after 1840. Anthony's children had been born in Tennessee between 1816-1820 prior to their removal to Arkansas. David Smith's family, however, was in Jackson County, Alabama about 1838. His daughter Sarah Smith Grider had been born about 1825 in Alabama as well. I could not find David Smith's family in either Arkansas or Alabama on the 1840 census report, so I am not sure exactly when his family moved from Alabama to Arkansas - it had to be sometime between 1838 and 1850. There was a David Smith on the 1840 Jackson County, Alabama census report, however he was born between 1810 and 1820 and had only two daughters living in the household at the time.
According to the 1850 Johnson County Arkansas census report, David Smith was born about 1789 in Tennessee. This is the only documentation I have that says anything about David Smith. Anthony and his wife Winnefred were born in North Carolina about 1780-1890. It is possible that the birth year on the 1850 census report was incorrect and David was actually younger - he might have been the David Smith on the 1840 Jackson County, Alabama census report - which would put him as a possible son born to Anthony Smith between 1810-1820 in Tennessee. I don't believe this was a strong possibility, however, because neither David or his family was mentioned in Anthony's will of 1854. David Smith purchased a land grant in 1855, so he was still living at the time of Anthony's will.
Another interesting tidbit is that there is yet another correlation between the Smith and LEE families. In an earlier post, I wrote about a Lee descendant who's DNA matched 100 % to my grandfather's Smith DNA. The match was so close it indicated that these Smith and Lee men had a 50% chance of sharing a common ancestor in the last **2** generations!
I think that we need to look closely at our two families and try to find a paper trail that might indicate the Lee - Smith relation. So far there are two Lee-Smith family connection possibilities: (1) Assuming we find some connection between this Anthony Smith and my David Smith families, there is the connection between Anthony's Smith's two sons, Joseph and George Washington who married two of David Lee's daughters, Ester and Harriett Lee. (2) According to David Smith's daughter, Sarah Ann Smith Grider's Cherokee Citizenship application file, her grandmother was Jinnie Gallymore, nee Lee. Gallymore was the name of David's wife, Sarah.
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