
Friday, August 27, 2010

Follow Friday

Here are some new and interesting blogs I came across this week:

CeCe left a comment on last week's Follow Friday post I did to let me know that she was also a multiple blogger! It seems there are more and more of us coming out of the woodwork each day. Anyways, thanks to her comment, I clicked over to see what her blogs were all about. I was VERY excited to see that she was a fellow genetic genealogist. Her blog "Your Genetic Genealogist" discusses the basics of taking a DNA test, how to interpret the results, and her own personal experiences with using DNA testing to further her Proctor family research. This is a great blog for both DNA newbies and amateurs alike. (Oh and by the way, she is a moderator for the ISOGG DNA Newbie List). In her other blog "My Tangled Vine," she hopes to do what many of us strive to do: share success stories of genealogical puzzles solved, chronicle research endeavors and tell the stories of her ancestors. This blog is just getting its feet wet, so be sure to check it out and give her great geneablogging welcome hello!


  1. Hi Ginger,
    I just popped over to see what you have been up to this week and surprise, surprise! Thanks so much for writing about my blogs.
    I am very happy to see the write up on your Goodwin DNA research and am going to go read it now...
    Thanks again,
    CeCe Moore

  2. Hi CeCe,
    You're very welcome! Thanks so much for starting Your Genetic Genealogist blog. I think interest in DNA testing will be increasing within the next couple of years.
